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Calgary Resources




Carya Calgary
Hoarding Disorder Support; Making-Room

ClearStream Psychology

Dr. May Luu, Registered Psychologist (587) 320-2210

Elements Calgary Mental Health Centre

Kelley Sallenbach Creative Arts/Decluttering Instructor Telephone: 403-266-8711 Ext 237

Public Health Inspector/Executive Officer
Alberta Health Services – Environmental Public Health

Melody Lee BSc, BEH(AD), CPHI(C) Public Health Inspector with Alberta Health Services 587-774-1029 Alberta Health Services – Environmental Public Health Direct Line: (587)-774-1029

Carya Calgary

Alison Mapp, MC CCC She/Her Supervisor Older Adult Counselling and Elder Abuse Programs T: 403-537-3383 | F: 403-205-5281 E: 180, 839 5 Ave SW | Calgary, AB | T2P 3C8

Facebook Groups & Online Chat Rooms

There are many Facebook and other on-line community groups that you can sign up for. Unfortunately, not all of these groups are helpful for everyone. 

  • Pay attention to how you feel when you participate. Is this causing increased anxiety for you? If so, perhaps this group isn't for you.

  • Are you spending a lot of time on-line and not working on your own hoarding challenges? 

DISCLAIMER:  This list is not a recommendation, referral or endorsement for any service or product.

Please exercise due diligence when accessing any service or support.

Compassion | Collaboration | Community

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Compassion | Collaboration | Community

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